Fitzpatrick Quiz by admin | Feb 9, 2020 Welcome to the FabYouLash skin type quiz. Please fill in all the questions to find out what your skin type is! Full Name Email Phone Number Eye Colour Light Colour Blue, Gray or Green Dark Dark Brown Black None Do you turn brown? Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always None What is your natural hair colour? Sandy Red Blonde Chestnut/Dark Blond Brown Black None Your skin colour (unexposed areas) Reddish Pale Beige or Olive Brown Dark Brown None Is your face sensitive to the sun? Very Sensitive Sensitive Sometimes Resistant Never had a problem None Freckles (unexposed areas) Many Several Few Rare None None If you stay in the sun too long Painful Blisters, Peeling Mild Blisters, Peeling Burn, Mild Peeling Rare No Burn None The veins on your wrist are? Blue or purple Blue-green Green or olive None Does gold or silver suit your skin better? Silver more than gold Both silver and gold Gold more than silver None What type of white do you look best in? Ivory or cream Pure white Any None Time's up