My story

An introduction to me and my business
My name is Carla Telford and I am a SeneGence distributor. I thought I’d write a quick blog to let you know about my amazing journey with SeneGence so far and see how I can help you level up your own business.
I am nearly 44yo and a very busy mum to four awesome kids (15, 13, 12 & 10). I run my own home-based eyelash business and see up to 50 clients a month. But I have found ways to make SeneGence business fit in with my busy life and I know you can too.
I started my SeneGence business in April 2017 after watching a video and I immediately knew I needed these products in my life! I first purchased a red lippy and wore it to Wet N Wild on holidays and I was sold. I couldn’t believe that it really was smudge proof and lasted ALL day. I started talking to my Lash clients about SeneGence and my business flourished from there.
You can do it too!
I love meeting new people and I love to talk (as many of my friends will tell you). And that is how I’ve built up my business, by talking to people about our awesome products. I have also dedicated a small amount of time every day to work on my business, and just like you my time is scarce and precious. Only one year on and I’ve already ranked to LADY, with the help of my amazing team working together. I really think if I can do it, you can too! And I’m happy to help you.

Everyone needs a “WHY” to keep you motivated and keep their eye on the prize. What is your WHY?
Mine is my kids and having the financial freedom to take them on holidays and make memories. I love all the SeneGence products, I couldn’t live without the daily skincare products and the make-up is amazing. If you’re passionate about the products they will sell themselves. Consistency is the key to building a great business, you will get out what you put in and if I can make it work, anyone can.
If you decide to build a business with me I will email you regularly to keep you accountable and to share everything I have learned so that you get a head start.